

altro cms della nottata, si tratta di BolinOS, il software in questione è nato come applicativo per il campo medico e man mano è cresciuto a dismisura, tanto che ora è definito dai suoi creatori addirittura un web operating system.
Più che semplice CMS, infatti, si avvicina molto ad un vero e proprio framework e, come the Horde, ha una spiccata tendenza all’uso di plug-in, moduli ed una libreria di API che lo rendono molto flessibile alle varie esigenze.


2 replies on “php::Links(‘$cms->BolinOS’)”

v 3.2.7 -> Palm OS!
# installer security enhancements (ftp override, mysql auto dataload, …)
# PHP safe mode compatibility bug resolved (ftp override necessary)
# new agenda module (overall enhancements, new daily view, new parameters)
# mail-in-frame module (includes your users’ hotmail, yahoo, free, aol, … emails into your bolinos website management)
# phpMyAdmin module for BolinOS (use the great phpMyAdmin to administer your website without leaving the BolinOS desktop)
# Palm medical files plug-in (to create, manage, follow, administer and co-write medical files for your Palm AND on the web at the same time)
# near-wysiwyg edit mode enhanced, edit and create while you browse!
# navigation plug-in fine-tuning (up to 500% faster J told us)
# core-system fine-tuning
# better image manipulation functionalities
# inclusion of enhancements
# plenty of small enhancements as usual ;-)

# installer security enhancements (ftp override, mysql auto dataload, …)
# PHP safe mode compatibility bug resolved (ftp override necessary)
# new agenda module (overall enhancements, new daily view, new parameters)
# mail-in-frame module (includes your users’ hotmail, yahoo, free, aol, … emails into your bolinos website management)
# phpMyAdmin module for BolinOS (use the great phpMyAdmin to administer your website without leaving the BolinOS desktop)
# Palm medical files plug-in (to create, manage, follow, administer and co-write medical files for your Palm AND on the web at the same time)
# near-wysiwyg edit mode enhanced, edit and create while you browse!
# navigation plug-in fine-tuning (up to 500% faster J told us)
# core-system fine-tuning
# better image manipulation functionalities
# inclusion of enhancements
# plenty of small enhancements as usual ;-)

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