
IE7 CSS compatibility for IE

IE7 provides Microsoft Internet Explorer with support for W3C standard CSS. This is an attempt to make Microsoft Internet Explorer more compliant when it comes to web standards.

Web developers are becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of convergence of the major browser vendors. We need a level playing field!

CSS is a powerful technology. Many of it’s more advanced features go unused by web developers because of Explorer’s poor support of CSS

IE7 provides support for most of the important CSS enhancements. A full list is available on the
compatibility page.

IE7 invokes a DHTML behavior to load and parse all style sheets into a form that Explorer can understand. You can then use most CSS2
selectors without having to resort to CSS hacks.
The behavior is lightweight and is automatically loaded via a CSS inclusion. No alteration of your original document is necessary. Nor
do you have to alter your CSS.

grazie ad Ardesia per avermi spedito il feed del post perso…


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