
mozilla minimo

Mozilla Foundation ha iniziato a sviluppare un browser per sistemi embedded (per esempio i cellulari) chiamato minimo, è già disponibile una preview del browserino per la piattaforma arm.

The Minimo (Mini Mozilla) project is focused on code-size and runtime footprint reduction, and porting to small consumer devices. We hope to make Minimo the browser of choice on small devices, or machines with limited system resources; taking advantage of Mozilla’s support for a broad and comprehensive set of standards and the variety of content on the web, proven security, international support, and cross platform capability.

For end users, the same browser you are used to running on your desktop and laptop will be available in a slimmed down form on your palmtop, but it will have full support for accessing the variety of content you are used to viewing. For content developers, the same set of standards based rich content can now be extended to a number of new users accessing the web over wireless handheld devices.
