
php 4.4

The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of PHP 4.4.0. This is a maintenance release that addresses a serious memory corruption problem within PHP concerning references. If references were used in a wrong way, PHP would often create memory corruptions which would not always surface and be visible. The increased middle digit was required because the fix that corrected the problem with references changed PHP’s internal API. PHP 4.4.0 does not have any new features, and is solely a bugfix release.

A separate release announcement is also available. For changes in PHP 4.4.0 since PHP 4.3.11, please consult the PHP 4 ChangeLog.

Installando php 4.4.0 inoltre vengono aggiornati i moduli PEAR, il che significa PEAR XML-RPC senza bachi ;)


One reply on “php 4.4”

PHP 4.4 ist erschienen

Die PHP Entwickler haben PHP 4er Reihe weitergepflegt und neuerlich PHP 4.4.0 released. Diese PHP-Version bietet keine neuen Funktionen, jedoch werden viele Probleme beseitigt. Unter anderem sind es Probleme in der Speicherverwaltung, die bei einer fal…

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