php tecnologia


presto migrerò il progetto phpCollab (di cui sono da un pò development leader) sul server di Ci. S. B. i. C., che ha offerto un pò di spazio (1 Gb!) ed intanto scopro che c’è chi lo usa già a livello commerciale! La cosa non fa che rendermi orgoglioso!


php tecnologia

PHP::Links(“PHP 5 Release Candidate 3”)

The third (and hopefully final) Release Candidate of PHP 5 is now available! This mostly bug fix release improves PHP 5’s stability and irons out some of the remaining issues before PHP 5 can be deemed release quality. Everyone is now encouraged to start playing with it!

There are few changes changes since Release Candidate 2, which can be found here.



wordpress mania (2)

LJBook permette di trasformare il proprio blog basato su wordpress in un e-book! Tutto questo è possible dal precedentemente citato WP2PDF e da un piccolo script di backend liberamente scaricabile.



wordpress mania

siccome è da un mesetto che rimugino se cambiare template al sito o meno ho iniziato anche a controllare se posso aggiungergli features (più o meno utili) e mi sono imbattuto in WordPress2PDF.
WP2PDF è un plugin per wordpress che permette di esportare i propri sproloqui anche in pdf, comodo soprattutto se, come sto pensando di fare, lo userò per gestire l’intero sito!



php::Links(‘ php 4.3.7 ‘ );

PHP Development Team is proud to announce the release of PHP PHP 4.3.7. This is a maintenance release that in addition to several non-critical bug fixes, addresses an input validation vulnerability in escapeshellcmd() and escapeshellarg() functions on the Windows platform. Users of PHP on Windows are encouraged to upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

All in all this release fixes over 30 bugs that have been discovered and resolved since the 4.3.6 release. For a full list of changes in PHP 4.3.7, see the ChangeLog.


php tecnologia

php::Links(‘owl intranet engine’);

Owl is a multi user document repository (knowledgebase) system written in PHP4 for publishing files/documents onto the web for a corporation, small business, group of people, or just for yourself.


php tecnologia

php|architect di maggio

è uscito il numero di php|architect di maggio, dove tra l’altro si parla di lybra :) , eccone comunque il sommario:

Creating Accessible Websites with PHP
Each day, developers create and maintain millions of web sites that impede access to a large demographic of potential web surfers. In the US alone, it is estimated that nearly one in five people have some type of disability or long-lasting condition. This problem doesn’t affect only disabled people—it makes sites just a little less usable for everyone. As Eric David Wiener shows you, though, making your site accessible is not difficult—you just need where to look.

Implementing Event-driven Applications with the Lybra Framework
The fast and efficient development of web-oriented software is becoming the key point for small software houses to be competitive in developing open source solu-tions for the enterprise. The event-driven approach, implemented using modular frameworks, seems a victorious path to enjoy and sustain open source projects. Author Simone Grassi takes us through the Lybra Framework, which makes event-driven web development with PHP a breeze.

The Belly of the Beast
In last month’s issue, Marco Tabini examined the structure and contents of a PDF document in considerable detail. This month, he’ll show you how to actually write a PHP library capable of opening one and modifying its contents programmatically.

Advanced E-mail Manipulation
Sending email with PHP is easy. Sending anything other than ASCII text requires reading a whole range of Internet RFC’s and remembering the key points of all of them if you want to ensure that you are doing things correctly and, when it comes to parsing and working with mail from external sources, that’s a whole big nasty mess. In this article, Wez Furlong shows you just what you’re supposed to be doing, and then look at easy ways to do it.

Got a Match?
In the final portion of his regular expression series, author George Schlossnagle examines three of the most advanced regex topics yet: complex evaluated replacements, offset capturing and recursive replacements.

Out of Context – cURL Magic without cURL
With the ever-growing popularity of blogs, news feeds and web services, more and more PHP developers find themselves in situations where they need to re-trieve remote content. While it is trivial to make simple GET requests, more com-plex needs often cause a fair bit of headache. In this article, Ilia Alshanetsky goes over the various PHP features that can significantly simplify the process of retrieving re-mote content through less common methods.


php tecnologia

php più veloce di sax

dai test (12) effettuati da Christian pare che le nuove primitive di PHP 5.0 per la gestione dei file XML siano più performanti dell’uso di SAX e di DOM, e con un minore spreco di risorse.


php tecnologia

hardened php

il progetto hardened php nasce dal desiderio di rendere particolarmente sicura l’implementazione di php su server di alta fascia, il progetto fa sì che PHP riesca a proteggersi da solo da eventuali script mal realizzati (o realizzati per far eseguire particolari exploit di memoria).

Hardened-PHP adds security hardening features to PHP to protect your
servers on the one hand against a number of well known problems in
hastily written PHP scripts and on the other hand against potential
unknown vulnerabilities within the engine itself.


php tecnologia

php::Links(‘ php 5 RC 2 ‘ );

The second Release Candidate of PHP 5 is now available! This mostly bug fix release improves PHP 5’s stability and irons out some of the remaining issues before PHP 5 can be deemed release quality. Note that it is still not recommended for mission-critical use but people are encouraged to start playing with it and report any problems.

Key changes since Release Candidate 1 include:

* The Zend Engine I compatibility mode (zend.ze1_compatibility_mode) has been re-implemented to more accurately support PHP 4’s object auto-clone behavior.
* All object-oriented extensions except for MySQLi have moved to studlyCaps. This includes SQLite, SOAP, Reflection API, Ming and others.
* Implementing an interfaces and/or abstract method with the wrong prototype is now a fatal error. For backwards compatibility, re-implementing regular methods with the wrong prototype will only result in an E_STRICT warning.
* Features as described in the Release Candidate 1 release announcement
* And lots more…

For changes since Release Candidate 1, please consult the ChangeLog.
