se volete crearvi la sitemap xml compabile con google ma non potete utilizzare python sul vostro server vi consiglio di dare un occhio a questo interessante plugin per wordpress.
Sitemap generator features:
* Comes as a WordPress Plugin
* Is easy to install
* Has a user interface where you can customize all parameters like change frequencies, priorities etc.
* Generates a static XML file in your blog directory (Filename is customizeable)
* Generates a sitemap for Homepage, Posts, Categories and Archive pages
* Calculates a priority for each post, based on the number of comments (You can also turn this off)
* The XML file gets automatically rebuilt if you change/edit/create/publish a post
ecco il mio sitemap.xml
One reply on “google sitemap plugin”
[…] icamente il file sitemap del proprio blog da dare in pasto al nuovo Google Sitemaps. [via Full(o)bloG]
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