
Il GrUSP regala Fonere e sconti su PHP|Architect!

Grazie a Stefano ed a Marco ho attivato per il GrUSP un paio di regalini natalizi.

Una Fonera gratuita ed uno sconto casuale tra i 5 ed i 50 dollari sullo shop di php|architect. Il tutto spendibile entro il 31/12 e per i soli soci dell’associazione.

Se quindi non siete ancora iscritti all’unica associazione ufficiale italiana di sviluppatori php che aspettate? Le iscrizioni per il 2007 sono ancora aperte! ;)



php news

Qualche link sul php preso in qua e là:

  • Una simpatica strip sulle problematiche dei sysadmin che hanno a che fare con il php
  • la scorsa settimana ho parlato di WinBinder per creare applicazioni client-side con php, oggi ho scoperto l’esistenza di PHP-Qt che per di più è multipiattaforma
  • Anche il framework OO ElegantTk permette di creare applicazioni per windows ed inoltre permette di realizzare, sfruttando la libreria fpdf, dei fogli pdf anche molto complessi
  • Finalmente è scaricabile il numero di novembre di php|architect



php|architect settembre

Nel nuovo numero di settembre di php|architect:

An Introduction to PDO
A common complaint of the anti-PHP “expert” is the lack of a bundled, uniform database access component. With the advent of an improved object model, in PHP 5.0, a few of PHP’s core developers decided that the time has come to fill this hole with PHP Data Objects (PDO). The package, itself, has been in PECL for quite a while, now, but with the upcoming release PHP 5.1, PDO will be bundled in the main PHP distribution. What does it do? How does it work? One of PDO’s main developers, Ilia Alshanetsky, explains.

Roll Your Own Data Abstraction Module
You may already use database abstraction in your applications, perhaps through one of the available data-base abstraction layers, such as PEAR::DB, or PDO (see the PDO article in this issue), but what about various idiosyncrasies in the actual SQL? Perhaps you’ve never even considered this problem. This article will help you the data abstraction beast.

Implementing Your Own Trackbacks
If you’ve been around the internet for any length of time, chances are you’ve seen a weblog. Chances are, if you’ve seen a weblog, then you’ve seen a trackback. You might not have known it at the time or even understood what it was, but more and more of the blogging tools out there are using them. So, what are these elusive trackbacks and why do they even exist? Author Chris Cornutt explains.

End-To-End Testing With PHP and Internet Explorer
Automated testing can greatly improve the quality of your product. In this article, Oz presents a framework for creating automated tests that can simulate end-user activity. By leveraging the full faculty of Internet Ex-plorer, these tests can do just about anything that your users can do.

Security Corner: PHP Security Audits
Peer reviews are one of the most useful and underutilized development techniques. Although professional security audits tend to be quite expensive, peer reviews can offer a great deal of value at a decreased cost. With a moderate understanding of how to audit PHP code, you can be a valuable asset to any PHP development team, and columnist Chris Shiflett shows you how.

Test Pattern: State of Confusion
Bug-free code is code you can understand completely. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to cause us uncertainty. Even a small amount of complexity will place demands on our memory, and our memory is extremely limited. If we tax our brains, we will get bugs. Marcus Baker examines how the number of bugs in a piece of code can be correlated to its readability.

Tips & Tricks: Input Filtering, Part 3
This month’s installment of Tips & Tricks concludes the series on filtering input, providing practical examples and helpful tips to filter input using regular expressions, test for the length of data, and ensure acceptable values.



php|architect agosto

In questo numero di php|architect

An introduction to AJAX and JPSpan
In February, AJAX burst onto the internet leaving hundreds of experimental projects in its wake, talk of web 2.0, and truck loads of hype. Don’t let the hype scare you away, AJAX offers lots of benefits. Let Joshua Eichorn introduce you to AJAX and then get to work building a scrolling table using JPSpan, to get a practical introduction to the new technology.

May I see Your License Please?
Last year, the Business Software Alliance reported that 35% of all software installed was pirated. In a world where code-theft is commonplace, and crackers are waiting with itchy palms to make your script accessible to the masses for zilch, author Alasdair Stewart will show you how to keep the doors of script piracy locked, bolted and chained shut, and for less than you might think.

Release Your Next Project as a PEAR 1.4.0 Package
With the release of a stable PEAR 1.4.0 installer on the horizon, now is a good time to get familiar with the new features provided by PEAR 1.4.0 that can make distribution of your open source and proprietary libraries and applications easier than ever before. Returning author Clay Loveless gives you a practical example in this piece.

PHP at Home
Do you have “dumb” appliances at home that you wish were a little smarter? Have you ever wished you could control the lighting in the next room from your terminal? Author Ron Goff has done just this, and all with our favorite language–in this article, he shows you how.

Security Corner
Are you stuck in a shared hosting environment? Perhaps your server hosts many PHP sites, and you wonder about its benefits and limitations? Columnist Chris Shiflett gives you the scoop a long-time PHP feature: safe_mode.

Tips & Tricks
You’ve heard a lot of buzz about security in PHP, lately, but you’re still confused about this “input filtering” thing? Ben Ramsey lends a helping hand in part 2 of his mini-series on this technique.

Other Peoples’ Code
We shouldn’t be writing code anymore. By now everything should already have been written and we should just be stitching together libraries and prewritten components. We should be, but we often don’t. Are we blindly following a “not invented here” philosophy and needlessly reinventing wheels? Or are we right to be nervous? Read on for Marcus Baker’s insight



BeebleX roll

Marco ha aggiunto una nuova funzionalità a Beeblex i roll delle ultime novità, ad esempio quello sottostante fa vedere le ultime news dai blog inseriti nel motore.



php|architect: giugno

è uscito il numero di giugno di php|architect

Crossing the Divide
Your PHP applications most likely need to store some kind of data. While databases provide high performance and reliability, actually using them when writing object-orientated code can prove tedious. In this article, author Theo Spears describes three solutions which help you to forget about storage and allow you to focus on functionality.

An OO Layered Approach To Web Apps
By now, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of OOP and how it provides the ability to have more reusable, maintainable, and extensible code. But, if your background is in procedural programming, switching to OOP may seem like an overwhelming task. Author Ronel Sumibcay shows you how to harness the power of OO design patterns, to organize your code into layers, and allow you to more confidently develop a piece of code by knowing its place and responsibilities in the overall application.

References in PHP – An In-Depth Look
PHP’s handling of variables can be non-obvious, at times. Have you ever wondered what happens at the engine level when a variable is copied to another? How about when a function returns a variable “by reference?” Major PHP contributor Derick Rethans gives an inside look.

Homo Xapian – The Search For a Better Search… Engine
Tired of fighting with full-text search in MySQL? Do you need to create a professional-quality search engine and don’t want to have to deal with all the details? Then look no further than Xapian, the open-source search technology that you can integrate directly into your PHP scripts.

Test Pattern: The Construction Industry
We write slices of applications. The PHP architecture involves writing code on a page by page basis. At the start of every page we have to create every object and at the end of the script they are all torn down. This constant setting up and tearing down makes object construction very important to the PHPer. It’s not always an easy task though, as if one object can create another you have introduced a dependency just as much as if one object uses another. Columnist Marcus Baker describes the various object-contruction options.

Tips & Tricks: CAPTCHA That Form Before It Gets Away!
Has your blog (or that of a friend) been inundated with comment spam? Columnist Ben Ramsey brings back the Tips & Tricks column with an overview of ways to prevent this annoying side-effect of running a publicly-commentable website.
