lifehack tecnologia webdev

Free hugs

Time by time in ideato, like in other IT and not-IT companies, someone needs a hug.

We have to manage on daily basis complex tasks, sometimes also quite frustrating, to talk with customers with lot of confuses ideas and deal with the bleeding edge technologies with no documentation.

Since we chose to adopt a remote office approach, do a proper hug is quite difficult. That’s why we created a proper channel (#abbracciatone, aka big hugs) on slack.

We also are lazy and looking every time for a hug image on google is a pain. To clear this pain I wrote a very little script for slack using a web service (this the Json endpoint url) created with kimono lab and the slack API to send a random hug image on the channel triggered by the command /hugs.

If you want to create your own hugs-bot this is the code you can start from:

eventi pensieri Startup

Fixing the Agile Silos

Today I had the chance (aka enough free time) to see the “Lean Startup Meets Design Thinking” video from the Google for Entrepreneur channel.

One of the most important concept of the video, with Eric Ries and Tim Brown, is IMHO the Ries’s digression about the modern (agile)companies.


Moving to London

this is my 2014 april fool!

In the last year I struggled to find the opportunity to create something new, and to give a better chance to my family to prosper in a different (better?) ecosystem.

Luckily, sometimes, we reach our goals.

di tutto un po'

A new year, a new conference

Every year I try to raise my daily job participating to the organisation (and/or creation) of new conferences.

Last year I dedicated a lot of my time to BetterSoftware and Kerning (do you know that the 2014 edition of Kerning will be awesome?) and this year I’ll try to bring some not-so-typical topics in a not-so-typical venue.

The conference is named Blank Disrupt, it is organised by a non profit association called Blank (where I’m involved as a member with ideato) and it will be held in Catania, Sicily .

This is no time for searching incremental innovation. The challenges Mankind is facing do not leave any more time. We need disruptive changes. In order to heed new opportunities, putting new tools in action, we are in the need for gamechangers. We have to produce new systems, with new rules.

All this is already happening. And it is what we’re all about.

– Blank Disrupt intro

Blank Disrupt will be held on March 28th (workshops day) and 29th (conference day), in the beautiful town of Catania and the conference stage will be at Benedictine Monastery of “San Nicolò”. As for Kerning we choose to use a gorgeous location, like the Monastery instead a plain hotel/conference center. It is a unique place that tells about the human and historic events of the city on the slope at the foot of Etna, from the ancient times until today.

9 great speakers, relevant innovators in industry will cover all the topics related to innovation from disruptive organisations to methodologies boosting innovation, disruptive technologies and game-changers for business models.

I hope you’ll join me in this (new) adventure :)

eventi pensieri Startup

My 2013 summary

This (awesome) 2013 ended. It was a great year for my work, my hobby (conference organizing) and my family.

cazzate Startup webdev

The Big Crunch spec document

We are all quite familiar with the Big Bang theory, not the TV serie but the astrophysical thing, from a single instant we have a big explosion and life, universe and everything were created [ok, it’s a little more complex, but who cares?].

Lets try to use the big bang metaphor for our normal (web)work. We start with a single idea and then we have to expand it exponentially adding customer validation, ux design, frontend and backend development, community management and everything is needed to fulfil the scope of the idea.

The Big Crunch is just the opposite. We start with a complex and expanded system and then, little by little, it will be condensed in a single, unique and clear point.

Time by time some customers send me a “Big Crunch Spec Document“.

eventi webdev

Rebooting BetterSoftware

Come qualcuno di voi saprà da quest’anno ho messo le mie mani (anche) su BetterSoftware. Conferenze fino allo scorso anno gestita da Develer ed ora in mano ad un manipolo di soggetti con l’idea di rilanciarla in una nuova veste.

In realtà, il “nuovo” BetterSoftware è un ritorno alle origini. Quindi piuttosto che andare a parlare di come “spaccare il bit” cercheremo di portare interventi utili ed a corredo del mondo del software. Non solo sul project management, ma anche su come si fa impresa (tech), come la si mantiene, come si fa evolvere un progetto, etc. Se hai idee interessanti il CfP è ancora aperto.

Dedicheremo quindi l’evento ad un range di partecipanti che spazino dal CTO, o Lead Developer, fino allo startupper o imprenditore scafato per spiegare loro che il brief con 2 fogli powerpoint spesso non è il miglior modo di approcciare un progetto, che chiedere ad un account (preso in stage) senza nessuna esperienza di gestire un team di lavoro distribuito (e magari in outsourcing) non è la scelta migliore, e che sviluppare e mantenere codice senza i giusti strumenti, metodologici (agile, lean startup, xp) o tecnologici (continuos integration server, scm, etc) rappresenta un salto nel vuoto.

Quindi cari sviluppatori che vi lamentate che il vostro management è illuminato come una candela perché non lo convincete a farsi un po’ di cultura? ;)

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GTF – Mentoring time

I love teaching, I love to share my (little and far to be perfect) knowledge to someone else and see how he/she can re-elaborate and evolve it. Every year, in this period, I have a class on entrepreneurship to a bunch of high school students and every year I’m amazed on how young minds can approach problems.

lifehack pensieri Startup tecnologia

from June 2012 to June 2013: a recap

I’m, more or less, 2 months late about this recap… but it took me a loooot of time to find some will to finish it… :)

I spent 2012 testing new business opportunities, and the 1st semester of 2013 was spent refining those business model.

The startup business for ideato performed quite well, we helped a good number of startups both with advisoring and code and I became mentor for a couple of them. Sadly DraftQ shuts down, but Oltretata is, still, alive (we also participated to three edition of SMAU, won a prize and we are working on a nice pivot) and we create a new MVP for the Makers market from a Manuel‘s idea. It’s still a growing, and risky, market but I’m really enjoying it.

eventi lifehack pensieri php webdev

Creare un ecosistema sano, è possibile.

Qualche tempo fa, durante una riunione dell’xpug romagnolo (che ora ha anche una pagina su G+), emerse il discorso sul rimanere a combattere piuttosto che emigrare. La serata, piuttosto che vergere sul classico auto compatimento è stata interessante ed ha portato a diversi punti chiave su cui lavorare. Il più importante è che se vogliamo lavorare bene dobbiamo migliorare l’ecosistema (informatico) all’interno del quale ci muoviamo.

Il (mio) ecosistema è quello dello sviluppo per il web, e nel mio piccolo sto contribuendo a migliorarlo (o almeno spero).

A conferma di quanto affermato vi spiego come è stato ripensato il modus operandi del GrUSP negli ultimi anni.